Wyeast Private Collection - PC2272 North American Lager

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  • Regular price $13.99
  • 2 available
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Species: Saccharomyces pastorianus

Profile: A traditional culture of North American and Canadian lagers, light pilsners, and adjunct beers. Mildly malty profile, medium ester profile, well balanced. Malty finish.

  • Flocculation: High
  • Apparent Attenuation: 70 - 76%
  • Apparent ABV Tolerance: 9%
  • Temperature Range: 52-58°F (11-14°C)

All liquid yeast purchased from Oregonized Brewing will ship with an ice pack.  Additionally, we ship all of our liquid yeast USPS Priority as slow shipping won't be doing your yeast any favors, just off-flavors.