May Wyeast Discounts
We have a small selection of Wyeast SmackPacks with "best by" dates of May 15 through June 04 that we are discounting to $3.99 while supplies last. We've actually used bloated packs of 1056 months past the "best by" date without issues. Using a starter is definitely recommended with these packs. Use the code WYEASTMAY22 when you checkout to have the discount applied.
Here are the discounted packs available:
- 1010 - American Wheat - 2 packs
- 1056 - American Ale - 2 packs
- 1272 - American Ale II - 1 pack
- 1275 - Thames Valley Ale - 1 pack
- 1335 - British Ale II - 1 pack
- 1388 - Belgian Strong Ale - 1 pack
- 1450 - Denny's Favorite - 1 pack
- 1469 - West Yorkshire Ale - 1 pack
- 1728 - Scottish Ale - 2 packs
- 2308 - Munich Lager - 1 pack
- 2565 - Kolsch - 1 pack