CaraWaka Wheat Beer
This is a take on a recipe from the American Homebrewers Association. We took a solid American Wheat Ale recipe and added some zest from Cara Cara oranges at 5 minutes left in the boil. Cara for the orange and Waka for the Wakatu hops - CaraWaka is just fun to say!
- Fermentables
- 7lb wheat LME
- Hops
- 0.75 oz. Wakatu, 7.1% AA @ 45 min
- 0.25 oz. Wakatu, 7.1% AA @ flameout for 30 mins
- Yeast
- 11g Fermentis SafAle K-97
OR - 1 pack Wyeast 1010 American Wheat
- Additional Ingredients
- Zest 0.5 to 1 oz of citrus peel (we like Caracara oranges, but tangerines are great as well) depending on how much orange flavor you would like in your beer. Add @ 5 min
- Whirlfloc or Irish Moss. Add @ 5 min
Brew Day:
- Standard extract brewing
- 45 minute boil
- We recommend starting your boil with 4lbs of the extract and adding the remaining 3lbs at flamout
- With the oranges, only zest the outer rind not the inner white part. The white/inner part of the peel can impart off flavors in the beer.
- Yield: 5 gallons
- Original Gravity: 1.048
- Final Gravity: 1.013
- ABV: 4.59%
- IBU: 20.5
Link to the original wheat beer recipe on the AHA site.